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2009-06-11 09:05:23
Last author: Duke Devlin
Owner: Duke Devlin
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Unsung Heroes

A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction.

   This fanfiction is truly my pride and joy. There are innumerable errors, and many characterisation flaws which I need to work on, but still, I love it. And, irrelevant though this is - This fanfiction is effectively written for Len, [Keir Devlin]. :)

Unsung Heroes, Ch. 1
Unsung Heroes, Ch. 2

Unfinished ~ Everything on the subsequent pages is (C) to me, [Duke Devlin], except the characters. The characters used are copyright to JKRowling and Scholastic Books.

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Duke's Harry Potter Fanfiction

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2008-01-13 [Keir Devlin]: Karina: Dx You fuckin' ass hole! You deserve everything you're getting and more! Dx Aaaah! I still love you though. ;D

2008-01-13 [Duke Devlin]: Draco: I know you do.. ;)

2008-01-13 [Keir Devlin]: Karina:... But, I'm still mad at you! Dx Me: ... =P

2008-01-13 [Duke Devlin]: Draco: PAH! .. Look what Potter did to me.. *pouts*

2008-01-13 [Keir Devlin]: Karina: Dx Well, when Hermione defended you, you treated her like trash! And KISSED her. -glareness-

2008-01-13 [Duke Devlin]: Draco: *smug* I know.. She's a dirty little mudblood. *glares* So I thought I'd fuck with her brain. *evil CLEARLY EVIL*

2008-01-14 [Keir Devlin]: Karina's unnamed father: ... I'm a 'mudblood'.
Kairna: .____.

2008-01-14 [Duke Devlin]: Draco: *shrugs* YOu aren't in my school Mister. >>

2008-01-14 [Keir Devlin]: Unnamed daddy: Meaninf your friend there might as well be one too.

2008-01-14 [Duke Devlin]: Draco: PAH! Like I'd care! >_> <_< It's not like I'm having a kid with her! XD

2008-01-14 [Keir Devlin]: Karina: DX I DON'T EVEN WANT FUCKIN KIDS!
Unnamed dad:-killz- DX GRANDCHILDREN!

2008-01-14 [Keir Devlin]: -COUGHmyparentsarelikethatcough-

2008-01-14 [Duke Devlin]: Draco: Exactly! So It doesn't matter >=D
WOAHS!! Run away to Britain!!!

2008-01-15 [Keir Devlin]: Karina:-alive- ... I hope that fuckin' Maria's a mudblood. XP


2008-01-15 [Duke Devlin]: Draco: ... *smug* SHe isn't.

2008-01-16 [Keir Devlin]: Karina:... :P Yeah, well, bleh. I don't like you anyway. -hangs onto Fred- <3
xD -Buys ticket-

2008-01-16 [Duke Devlin]: Draco: *glares and gropes.. OMFG A random chick XD*

2008-01-17 [Keir Devlin]: Karina: -heartbroken- ASSHOLE! ;.;
:D -finds you- STEPH! -glompness- xD

I wish!

She was telling me prices to London from LA on plane! DX

2008-01-17 [Duke Devlin]: AWWW MAN DX EVILL!!! CEPT NOT :) <3
Draco: *loves teh chickadee* XD

2008-01-18 [Keir Devlin]: ;.;

2008-01-18 [Duke Devlin]: XD

2008-01-21 [Keir Devlin]: D

2009-05-13 [Keir Devlin]: You should finish this
I read it.
And was like, I want more. :D

2009-05-13 [Duke Devlin]: XD I'll add more out of exam time. :P

2009-05-13 [Keir Devlin]: Exams? :O

2009-05-15 [Duke Devlin]: Yeah. D: A2 exams. End of my A levels. D: Uni in september. :( <3

2009-05-16 [Keir Devlin]: I have NO idea what any of that ment.
so, I'm going to just nod.

2009-05-20 [Duke Devlin]: XD Really? :P
I am in my second, and final, year of college (A2). The courses I took were in the 'A level' scheme. In September I will be moving to Manchester to go to University. D: See?

2009-05-22 [Keir Devlin]: ...

2009-05-26 [Duke Devlin]: Why not? XD

2009-05-27 [Keir Devlin]: Caus eI'm a dumby

2009-05-27 [Duke Devlin]: XD No you're not. ;)

2009-05-30 [Keir Devlin]: Bwuahah. :D
So, now Draco's mom is a liar too. <3
Karina still loved you Draco. :D

2009-05-31 [Duke Devlin]: Yes she is! D:
He knows, secretly. ;) <3

2009-06-05 [Keir Devlin]: buahahah.
draco... should go fall in love with Faux.

Except, HEART BREAK for Draco, Faux isnt there anymore!

2009-06-05 [Duke Devlin]: Faux? ;.; Whut? XD
I'm so confused... :P

2009-06-06 [Keir Devlin]: I can't spell
The phoenix. :D

2009-06-07 [Duke Devlin]: I think you might have spelt that right actually. XD I just didnt read it right, because it's a weird word. :P

2009-06-09 [Keir Devlin]: hahah

Graduation tomorrow for seniors. My boyfriend and all my friends, like, virtually, all my friend, they're leaving... ;____;

2009-06-09 [Duke Devlin]: Awhhh :( How long are you in school for after that? D:

2009-06-09 [Duke Devlin]: Split it up onto separate pages naow. :P

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